Oh Valentines day, ain't nobody got time for that.
Does anyone REALLY care about Valentines Day? I thought it was just a holiday for girls in the office to make it known they had someone by displaying tacky carnation bouquets on their desk.
As far as my Vday story; I'm a big believer in karma, what goes around comes around. Life may not be fair, but it is just.
So maybe it was karma when the first year I was with my ex he spoiled me rotten and made a big showing of multiple bouquets and candy deliveries in front of my coworkers, and then gave me a pair of socks the second year. Trust me, it wasn't the gift that mattered, it was the thought, or lack of, behind it. Anyone that knows me would know that I would have been ecstatic over a trip to Costco (I love that place!) or waking up to a freshly washed car. So what changed? Obviously it was a sign of what was to come, but that year maybe it was karma.
Back in high school I started dating this very handsome and sweet boy from another school. He took me to his prom, I did not take him to mine. He called and wanted to come see me in my plays, I didn't call him back. He bought me Orchids and held the door. He stuck around even after my dad chased him up the driveway for bringing me home past curfew. On Valentines day I had plans to meet him for dinner, but instead went out dancing with my single girl friends. I didn't bother to tell him, I just stood him up. I was a jerk. A big jerk. I felt bad for a long time until I found him on Facebook 10 years later and apologized. Yah, he clearly wasn't too traumatized by my actions, he's now a big time Washington news reporter and he still has all his hair. Thanks karma, I deserved that one.
So fast forward to 2011 and my triumphant Valentines Day. I normally could care less about the holiday, but that year I didn't have to make my lack of care so obvious. I was spoiled and it was good. He knew my favorite candy and sent me 10 pounds of it. He told the florists
"no carnations." He signed the card with his full first name. 2012 and the socks roll around and I think," ooooohhhhhh snap this can't be good." Now, Valentines day 2013 and the local bar is offering 2-1 drinks if you bring in a picture of you and your ex (I assume with your ex's eyes scratched out of course). How fitting.
So on Valentines day I won't feel bad for myself. I'll feel bad for anyone that gets engaged because the entire restaurant wait staff will mock them in the kitchen for being so cliche. I'll feel bad for the girl that actually likes that ugly "open heart" jewelry collection, and to the man that was told she would. I'll be happy for the girl that finally gets an excuse to dress up and for the adorable dressed up baby animal photos that are sure to circulate.
And I'll bake.
I'll bake these- because these are better than socks.
preheat oven 325.
Make any recipe of chocolate chip cookie dough.
Spoon 2T dough into the bottom of a cupcake lined pan
Smash an Oreo or PB cup over the dough
Make 1 recipe basic brownie mix, spoon 2T over the top.
Bake 15 min until brownies look done. DO NOT OVERFILL LINERS
Makes 18 with leftover cookie dough.
If you are in a time crunch you can cheat with pre- cookie dough and/or brownie mix, but it won't be as good and watch for those trans fats and lard!
Are those peanut butter cups over chocolate chip cookie dough? Oh, that's just sinful...and brilliant. For the record, I checked my bank statement, I bought you Godiva specialty chocolates (which I made a special trip during lunch for and fought the downtown crowd), took you to the best Italian place in town, got you a card, and mistakenly impulse bought valentines footsie socks from, yes, Walgreens.