Haha... F THAT.
No, seriously. That happened. Now this is some hilariousness because I cry when watching animal planet, and Subaru commercials, and YES, the movie ELF. I am not ashamed.
So what did he mean when he told me that? Well I'm guessing he meant he would prefer someone the opposite of the type of girl that writes a breakup blog. Boom. Nailed it.
I suppose there are girls out there that would have tried really hard to be that 'softer' type if given the chance (what does softer even mean, seriously?), but I guess I'm not that girl. And those girls probably like jewelry by Dr Quinn the medicine woman too, so it's all relative. I have a lot of...hmmm.... lets call it "respect" for lack of a better word, for those that admit they are too wussy to have a girl that would do anything for love, but that won't do that.
They say the truth is somewhere in the middle. The truth is this; you cant change who someone else is. You can't put people in a mold for your planned life. The only thing you can change is yourself, and if you are changing for someone else you have a problem. I may not be whatever "soft" meant to this guy, but I won't be changing that, and thats ok. I understand the point of dating is to find someone that fits you, that you can't live without, that doesn't make you feel guilty and defective, someone worthy of seeing your softer side. I am so grateful to have learned that there will be a guy who loves all the things the previous guy was intimidated by. You just never know with this crazy life, he may even love tattoos.
In the meantime, here's some stuff to bake that would really taste like crap if it were "too" soft. Sometimes you gotta have a firm base.
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